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Bulk Import Users

How to Bulk Import Users from an Excel or CSV File.

Written by Saul Bard
Updated this week

This document will walk you through how to bulk import your teams into

File Preparation requires the following columns in your Excel/CSV file:

  • firstname: The first name of the user.

  • lastname: The last name of the user.

  • email: The email of the user.

  • role: The role you would like the user to assume. Must be either admin, contentmanager or user. The default is user.

  • jobtitle: The job title for the user to display in their profile

If you are importing an Excel file that has multiple sheets please change the name of the sheet you wish to import from to "Users", otherwise we will just import from the first sheet.

Note: import files are character sensitive so please follow exact labels as instructed.

You can download the template at the bottom of the article here or in the team tab of your dashboard.

Importing Users

Go to Organization -> Users.

Click Add User and then Import Users.

Fill your import file with inputs. Columns / Headers that are not in the template will be ignored.

Add File and Click "Import".

Your new users should be invited. Once they accept their invitation and log in for the first time their status will change from "Invite Sent" to "Active".

If you receive an errors double check that your column headers have not been modified, that each person in the list has all fields completed and that no characters are missing. Users with pending invitations or accounts with another AutoRFP instance will not receive an invitation.
Contact support should you have any issues with your import: [email protected]

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