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Edit Project Details
Louis Lloyd-Besson avatar
Written by Louis Lloyd-Besson
Updated this week

Editing Your Project Details

The "Edit Project" button allows you to modify various aspects of your project at any time. This feature ensures that your project information remains up-to-date and accurate.

Editable Project Details

Project Information

  • Name: Update the title of your project

  • Description: Modify the project's summary or overview

  • Owner: Change the primary person responsible for the project

  • Collaborators: Add or remove team members working on the project

  • Value: Adjust the project's monetary or strategic value

  • CRM Link: Update the link to the project in your Customer Relationship Management system

Customer Information

  • Name: Edit the name of the client or customer associated with the project

  • Owner: Change the team member responsible for managing the customer relationship

Timeline Configuration

  • Milestone Settings: Set or modify deadlines for:

    • Project completion

    • Question responses

Additional Features

File Management

  • Add Files: Upload new documents, images, or other relevant files to your project

  • Manage Existing Files: Review, update, or remove previously uploaded files

Selection Management

  • Edit Selections: Modify any choices or selections made during the project setup

  • Review Context: Use the edit selections interface to remind yourself of the origin and context of imported requirements

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